Amber Winstead: ERA 404

ERA 404 is inspired by the off-beat and vibrant music of Hiatus Kaiyote, a jazz/funk/synth band from Australia whose music emphasizes constant change in progression and otherworldly sounds. ERA 404 pays ode to the album “Choose Your Weapon” in color scheme and fabric techniques/design. All core colors are taken directly from the debut album cover. Other inspirations for the collection include the landscape from the James Cameron hit movie “Avatar” and natural elements that either exhibit bioluminescence or organic curvature. ERA 404 is meant to symbolize the concept of nature (old) meeting technology (new). Along with the color palette and stylistic shape of some garments, glow in the dark paint will be featured in the garments to further illustrate the point of a “natural technology” and almost an alienistic perspective. With this collection, I wanted to challenge myself to make something that aesthetically represents my artistic vision and shows the skills I’ve gained throughout my time in the FTD program. I’m ecstatic to meet the exciting future ahead and with great pride present to you ERA 404.